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Licensing Summary

Available for plans:
Standard - Free,
Enterprise and
A CRM Analytics license is required to view and access CRM Analytics assets in Unified Analytics.

Track App Downloads, Purchases, Predict Renewals, and Prevent Churn

Use the Licensing Summary tab of the Subscribers Overview dashboard to monitor the status of your app licenses provided to your customers and view app installation statistics.

Open the ISV Analytics app from the app launcher and navigate to Subscribers Overview. Select the Licensing Summary tab on the dashboard.

Licensing Summary

License Type Breakdown

The dashboard provides a breakdown of your licenses by type, showing the distribution of licenses sold in either a per-site or per-seat model. The chart displays the total number of licenses sold for each type.

License Types

License Status Breakdown

License Types

The Licensing Summary dashboard also includes a breakdown of customer licenses by status:

  • Total Licenses - The total number of licenses ever provided to your customers.
  • Active Licenses - The number of active licenses installed on your customers' orgs.
  • Uninstallations - Licenses that have transitioned from Active to Uninstalled status when a customer uninstalls your app.
  • Trial Licenses - Indicates the number of Salesforce orgs that currently have your app installed in trial mode.
  • Suspended Licenses - When a license expires (e.g., because the trial period has ended or the subscription was not renewed), it transitions to Suspended status. You can also manually suspend a license for a customer (e.g., for not paying invoices on time or violating your app policy). Learn more from the Manage Your App Licenses article.

Expiring Soon Licenses

The dashboard warns you about licenses that are going to expire in the next 30 days. This means either:

  • The trial period of your app will end for specific customers, and you might want to convert them to paid subscribers.
  • The subscription of your app will end for clients, and you might need to extend the contract.

Expiring Soon Licenses

You can see the details of these licenses in the table displayed at the bottom.

License Detail Information

The bottom table of the dashboard shows detailed information about all the licenses provided to your customers. You can click on the Subscriber value to open the related customer record (lead or account, depending on whether you follow the lead conversion process) and see the analytics summary for it.

License Detail Information

App Installations Over Time

App Installations Over Time

The dashboard displays how many times your app was installed in a given period. By default, it shows a breakdown of installations by month. You can also use the Display dropdown to change it to quarters or years. This way, you can see which periods were particularly successful and which were not as great.

What You Can Do with This Data

Understanding the current state of your app licenses can be very beneficial for your product and business:

  • Identify app download trends.
  • React to license status changes to prevent churn and increase renewal rates.
  • Increase customer retention through proactive communication and health monitoring.

Use Filters for More Specific Results

The dashboard is equipped with several filters that can help you narrow the displayed data to see more specific results.

  • Package Name - If you have published more than one AppExchange app, you can see statistics for all of them at once, or select specific packages of your choice.
  • Subscriber - Allows you to display statistics for specific customers.
  • License Status - Narrow down results to specific license statuses, e.g., to show statistics only for active or only for trial-version customers.
  • Install Date - Define a date range of app installations to see statistics only for the customers that installed the app in the given period.
  • Organization Type - Choose whether to display statistics for production environments, sandboxes, or both.
  • Org Status - Some production orgs may be in trial status. You can filter to include or exclude orgs based on their specific statuses.
  • Org Edition - Filter by specific organization editions. This is useful for narrowing results, such as excluding Developer Edition orgs from production data (Salesforce classifies Developer Editions as production types).