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Create Custom Dashboard

Available for plans:
Standard - Free,
Enterprise and
A CRM Analytics license is required to view and access CRM Analytics assets in Unified Analytics.

create custom dashboard

ISV Analytics App offers several predefined dashboards such as:


If you modify the predefined dashboards, you will lose the changes when the package is updated. To avoid this, create a new dashboard from scratch, using below instructions.

However, you can also create custom dashboards using the provided analytics logs. Follow these steps to create your own dashboard:

  1. Go to App Manager > Analytics Studio.
  2. From the home page, select Create > Dashboard.
  3. Choose Blank Dashboard or Dashboard from Template, and click Create.
  4. Drag & Drop Chart or Table element.
  5. Double click on you component and select on of the data sources that ISV Analytics App provides:
    • Monthly Usage Summary Data Combined - contains your app's feature usage data combined with customer licensing information. The data is aggregated monthly to reduce volume and enhance performance. It includes details such as "How many times a specific feature was used by a particular customer in a given month." This dataset serves as the primary data source for most of the tabs on our predefined "Package Usage Overview" dashboard.
    • Monthly Usage Per User Data Combined - provides information about user interactions with your app, aggregated on a monthly basis. It includes data such as "How many times a specific user interacted with your app in a given month." This dataset is the source for the "Unique Users" tab on our predefined "Package Usage Overview" dashboard.
    • Packaging SF Data - includes your package details along with licensing information. It is the main data source for our predefined "Subscribers Overview" and "Customer Summary" dashboards.
  6. Select columns you would like to display.

new chart

More details about dasboard creation you can find in Build CRM Analytics Dashboards.
