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Embed App Components

Available for plans:
Standard - Free,
Enterprise and
A CRM Analytics license is required to view and access CRM Analytics assets in Unified Analytics.


Package Usage Overview & Subscriber Overview

To add ISV Analytics Tabs to your application follow steps below:

  1. From Setup > App Manager, create New Lightning App or select existing one.
  2. On the Navigation Items page, select Package Usage Overview/Subscriber Overview Lightning tab from the Available Items list and move it to the Selected Items list.


  1. Click the Save button.


Follow below steps to add dashboards to your own customized app and record pages.

Package Usage Overview & Subscriber Overview

  1. From Setup, enter App Builder in the Quick Find box, then select Lightning App Builder.
  2. Click New to create new Lightning Page or click Edit next to the page you would like to change.
  3. Drag the CRM Analytics Dashboard component.
  4. Select Package Usage Overview or Subscriber Overview.

Add Dashboard

Customer Summary

Add ISV Analytics Customer Summary to see the customer summary on your own customized Lead and Account record pages.

  1. From Setup, enter Object Manager in the Quick Find box, then select Object Manager.
  2. Open Account or Lead object.
  3. Go to Lightning Record Pages tab on the left side.
  4. Choose record page you would like to change or create a new one.

Account Record Page

  1. Click Edit.
  2. In Lightning App Builder type ISV in Search... and select ISV Analytics Customer Summary.
  3. Drag & drop ISV Analytics Customer Summary on record page.

customer summary dashboard
